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Pro Vitamin A Lip Gloss

Pro Vitamin A Lip Gloss

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1.5floz; a sugary, moisturizing non colour lip gloss that almost tastes too good! Leaving your lips, soft, super hydrated and super healthy! DONT EAT IT! Available in yummy flavours!

Created with 100% certified organic ingredients: Aloe vera plant oil, bachuchi plant, wild cherry bark, black licorice plant, pro-vitamin A, carrot seed, andiroba plant oil, buriti nut oil, cacay nut, vitamin k, Hyaluronic Acid, tripeptides, Sodium Hyaluronate and opitphen(plant derived preservative)

Closing them out as we are discontinuing these as of Dec 30th! 

Available in the following flavours!

No flavour,

Peach Nectar

Caramel Mocha Latte'

Milk Chocolate

Mint Chocolate Truffle

French Vanilla Bean,

Homemade Apple Pie

Pineapple Twist

Pina Colada

Bubble Gum

Cherry Vanilla

Orange Creamsicle

Roasted Coffee

Sugar Coated Strawberries

Cake Batter

Watermelon Spritz

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