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Macadamia & Kokum Butter Soap

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5oz Bar. This soap is designed for all skin types, meant to both hydrate and feed the skin with super antioxidants to free up clogged pores and provide vitamins to promote anti-aging and natural healing of uneven skin tone. Never leaving ANY film behind.

Created with 100% all natural ingredients: Macadamia nut oil, kokum butter, palm oil, honey, alpha hydroxy and alpha lipoic acid, shea oil, with apricot and olive oil.  Fresh spring waters, lye.

On intro sale now for $9!! Will go to $11 on April 30th! Please allow up to 10 days to receive your soap as it needs time to cure and all created FRESH 2 order

Available in unscented and selected scents. 

Black Raspberry & Vanilla

Butterfly Garden(french mimosa, cyclamen, jasmine orange tea, tangerine, lemon leaf, coconut and musk),

Wild Cherry Blossom(Black cherries, wild cherries rice tea and shea)

Lavender Bouquet (blend of lavendar, lemongrass & vanilla bean)

Sunshine Pear(NEW!) (A blend of boch pears, aloe, prickly pear and chipolte)

Island Twist Bliss(NEW!) (A blend of pineapple, strawberry, coconut, vanilla with aloe, lime spritz and oceanic florals)

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