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Glycolic Clean & Clear Skin Bundle

Glycolic Clean & Clear Skin Bundle

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Available in 4oz cleanser & toner and the 2oz serum or travel size 2oz and .75oz serum!   A GREAT skin care set for those with problematic skin types, such as acne, over oily, and problematic skin types --this is idea; for serious dead skin cell removal and trapped toxins, dirt that create repetitive acne and blemishes. In addition; this set goes over really well for sensitive skin types (Please see our other related products for this) --First our Rose Glycolic Smooth & Clear Facial Cleanser. For that hydration and yet a deep pore cleanse for that balance of skin; second our Rosewater finishing Toner; -to remove any excess and revitalizes over all skin tone. And to top it off; Our Green Tea pore cleansing serum --hydrates, moisturizes and provides that clear complexion and naturally restores a healthy complexion and maintains natural moisturizing and hydration.  Click on each product here to see ingredients!  ON SALE NOW!

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