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Green Tea Pore Cleansing Serum

Green Tea Pore Cleansing Serum

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2floz. A blend of green tea, lavender, chamomile flower, as well as sunflower and rose water.  Great for soothing red uneven skin and for acne treatment.  Ideal for a deep pore cleansing after a good facial scrub or after removing make up and deep grime after a long day!   Add Our Aloe & Pear Make Up Remover & Rosewater Revitalizing Toner and create a GREAT skin care regimen for on the go!   Dries instantly while soaking Your face with refreshing botanicals to encourage a healthy complexion!

Created with 100% certified organic ingredients: Aloe vera leaf juice, green tea plant, grape seed oil, no sting witch hazel water, cruelty free emulsifying beeswax ,natural spring water, sunflower seed, vitamin E oil, neem seed, rosemary leaf, white willow bark, chamomile
flower, lavender flower, rose water,vitamin c, honey(cruelty free), provitamin B-5,
organic alcohol, xanthan gum,glycerine, polysorbate 60 ,tetrasodium glutamate diacetate
(organic plant derived preservatives)

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